Just a quick note that we have finally gotten around to applying some updates to the "Online Health Websites" webpage on the Main WisBits website. That webpage still needs a lot of work, as it mostly deals with bad health websites at this point, and is lacking recommendations on good health websites. We will try to get back to fleshing it out soon but other wildfires are flaring up right now.
Here is a direct link to the page if you would care to check it or provide some suggestions on good sites...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Special Update: Evaluating Health Websites
Special Update: Better Food
This is just to note that we have added two more links to "Websites of Interest" on the main WisBits website as well as to all four of the related companion blogs -- which could well be of interest to many, so thought we would make note of it here, along with a precaution.
These two new websites provide sources of local "grass fed" and "free range" natural organic products. The Eat Wild website is more for locating real "family" farms, actually out in the countryside. The second site will yield local retailers actually in cities as well as out in the country, which specialize in more natural organic products.
Once caution: many of those "grass fed", "free range", "organic", "natural" products in major grocery store chains, even including many "health food" stores such as Whole Foods, could very well NOT be quite what they might be labeled as. The FDA generally allows retailers free reign with their labeling, unless it happens to be a "natural supplement". One example of this is that eggs labeled as from "free range" chickens can actually be from "factory farm" chickens that on occasion at certain intervals are given access to the outside of buildings, which could just be a slimy concrete excrement tainted open air pen -- not exactly what the term free range is intended to imply, like back in the days when we had "chicken coops" way out in the orchard and the chickens roamed all over the farm eating their natural foods.
Link to "Eat Wild" website for real farms; once there, click on the "Eatwild Directory of Pasture-Based Farms" link to locate local family farms.
Link to "Local Harvest" website to find natural organic products.
Lastly, you can always do your own research on the subject. For example, here is a "canned" Google search using the keywords "natural organic grass fed free range products".
Friday, February 26, 2010
Legislation to Give Big Pharma's Puppet F.D.A. Control of Banning Supplements
Yep, Big Pharma has paid off politicians to allow the good ole corrupt, bribed FDA to block your access to vitamins, minerals, supplements -- you know, that stuff that keeps you healthy, that boosts your immunity, that keeps you from acquiring diseases, that keeps you out of the mainstream sick care system and under control of the deleterious deadly drugs from Big Pharma...
The following is from the Life Extension Foundation, partially explaining this outrageous legislative ripoff fiasco to allow the FDA to weaken and sicken the populace in order to forcefully drive more victims over the cliff into the mainstream pharmaceutical sick care abyss.
"A bill has been introduced to the Senate that would drive up the cost of dietary supplements and restrict your access to them. This bill seeks to give the FDA arbitrary control over what supplements you are allowed to have. This bill proposes to squander tax revenue, while burdening the private sector with oppressive laws that will hinder scientific advances and increase costs. The net effect will be to take away your free access to dietary supplements. Pharmaceutical interests are obviously behind this latest effort to legislatively force more Americans towards expensive prescription drugs and away from natural ways of preventing degenerative disease. Please use our convenient legislative action center to e-mail your Senators and Representatives to protest against this dangerous piece of legislation." It is absolutely critical to contact your Congressmen and oppose this bill. Life Extension Magazine has a convenient "Action Alert" page here with which to do so.
You can also use the links in the right sidebar of this blog under "How to DO SOMETHING", but the link above is a little easier, altho it sends out "canned" emails to your politico representatives...
And, here is a link to the article if you would like more info.
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: Besmirching Researching as Bee Smirch (bee poop). Just a dumb rant about "researchers" and how they come up with some of the most ludicrous lunacy on the planet, second only to WHO (Woefull Hoax Obfuscators) and their co-whoret hellth organizaters.
On the FluBits blog: Reassorting and Spreading a Newer More Deadly H00N00 Type ZERO Frankenstein Flu. Just a dumb rant about how the biological-warfare-terrorist vaccine manufracturers are out there cooking up the next American Jackass Frankenstein Flu to replace the weak wimpy swiney whiney flu...
On the AutBits blog: Vaccinations Begin, Autism Begins, Vaccinations Increase, Autism Increases, Vaccinations Less, Autism Less - DUH!!!. The moronic lobotomized C.D.C. is again projectile vomitting "stuff" that should be coming out their other end, and we just could not stand by and not expose their absolute...you know what...
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Todays Update
On the FluBits blog: So Many Deadly Vaccines, So Little Time. This is a "don't miss" report on the deadly deleterious "Prevnar" vaccine that is injected into babies FOUR TIMES in their first year of life, is NOT effective, causes thousands of documented adverse reactions including death, and that's just the proverbial tip of the iceberg -- or should we say tip of the dangerous NEEDLE -- you need to check this out, not just for anyone that might have babies that could be adversely affected but this sheds light on any and all vaccines. Take the time to go over this information, it could save someone's life...
On the AutBits blog: Pediatricians: "Toxins Cause Autism", and Vaccines Contain Toxins, so Vaccines Cause Autism.... Refuting the hogwash, sheepdip, horsefeathers, poppycock, balderdash, baloney, claptrap, and tommyrot of mainstream pediatricians expelling out of their icky mouths what usually comes out the other end..."engage intestines, route effluvient though stomach and projectile-vomit it all out of the voice orifice, acting like it is honey"...
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee, ho ho ho, boowaahahaaahHAAAHOOOEEE
The WHO-be-stoopidoes (aka the Weak Hoax Organizers, the WHO) just today, in mid February of the year 2010, had the certifiably ludicrous and incredibly stupid audacity to utter that the horrific H1N1 pandemic influenza plague may start puking, um, I mean peeking, er, peaking "in a few weeks". Yes, they meant a few weeks from today, now... This after, as you know, the rest of the sane world, even the biased mainstream medicators, pharmacators, and newsigators, admitted that the little ole H1N1 sniffle fest starting falling off, aka "PEAKING", back in NOVEMBER of LAST YEAR -- THREE WHOLE FREAKING MONTHS AGO! Even the un-credible, biased, corrupt CDC website has charts and graphs that very plainly depict the steep dropoff starting in mid-November of 2009, flat lining back below the start point, only a few weeks later, like in December of LAST YEAR...
Shouldn't there be some kind of award for an organization being so densely delusional that they don't seem to be able to comprehend just how insanely out of touch with reality they actually are. Or if they do know (which we feel is the reality) they should receive some kind of designation for their ridiculously bald faced blatant hypocrisy -- like the deranged (dis)ability of a rat to give the one finger salute to an eagle swooping in for the kill rather than running away to it's filthy stinking hole in the ground.
We could call it the "We Bee Leave In DUH Easter Boony, Sandy Clausista, und DUH Toot-toot Fairy" HELL-th A-jinksy Condemnation award. Right before we line up the buttholes in front of a firing squad and rid the planet of their putridly pestilent presence...
Disclaimer. Although we have attempted to turn this sad farcical fiasco into an amusing tidbit, we realize that some folks may not have stumbled across this "news" and might incorrectly assume that we are making this up. Sadly, WHO did manage to projectile-vomit this asinine disinformation today... Just remember this and always doubt anything that these despicable yayWHOS manage to regurgitate anything from their demented mindless minds.
Definitions of "yayWHO", also spelled as "yayhoo".
1) A bribed member of the WHO health agency that automatically emits "yay" (aka, "aye" or "yes", obtusively confuscatory with "nay" conversely meaning "no") to anything that their Big Daddies shove up their rear ends that eventually comes out of their mouths after passing through their brains which have surgically replaced their intestines.
2) A stupid person. Spelled many different ways, usually as yaywho (an inference to the WHO health organization [sic]). Usage: "He is a yaywho". Those yaywhos don't know nothin".
3) A term used to describe a certain tribe of wild individuals found in mountainous regions. Daniel Boone once described them as a race of wild hairy smelly monkey-like animules, well known for unethical behavior and fiendish actions. Daniel was also noted as pointing out that these surly misfits also resembled some physicians and pharmacists that he knew...
4) A crazy, dumb, and/or wild person under the influence of pharmaceuticals.
Today's Updates
On the DumBits blog: Drug Company Anti-bribery "Probe" is an Illusory Mirage, a.k.a. a Joke. A somewhat humorous dig at the absurd machinations of the American government machine (a.k.a. of late, the "broken government") trying to get a bigger share of drug company bribes...
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: More Evidence Our "Accusations" are Irrefutably True. Mainstream medicine shoots themselves in the foot yet again, getting paid (bribed) by big pharma hooligans to concoct bogus misleading results of phony studies that were never performed, once more confirming our caustic criticisms of the absolute corruption that prevails in the profiteering uncaring sick care industry -- something we all must realize and remember for our own benefit; most of what you hear are unconscionable bald faced lies.
On the DumBits blog: The Corporate Lobbyist Media Cesspool. Here we provide more evidence that we have been right in our accusations, this time targeting Big Media and their parading of corporate lobbyists as innocent sheep that are actually paid wolves, guarding your flock for you...
On the DumBits blog: Infections "Caught" in Hospitals Kill 48,000 Americans in 2006. You have to read about this asinine travesty on Americans to comprehend the detestable criminality of it all...
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: Certifiably Irrefutable Proof that Vaccines are a Fraudulent HOAX. We realize that this sounds sensationalistic and irrational, but we contend that for the well being of you and yours that you absolutely must assimilate this information -- you will agree...
On the DumBits blog: Countering Clowns that Deny Climate Change. Some helpful insight on the recent wet snowy weather in the U.S. and how what is being joked about as "global cooling" is actually a direct effect of global warming.
On the DumBits blog: Our Tax Dollars NOT at WORK. A silly example of just how badly our "broken" government works, probably because all those politicos are getting free handouts of phycho drugs from Big Pharma to deaden their conscience from the fact that they are ripping off the populace they are supposed to be helping...
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: Senate Committe Concludes Drug Companies Commit Mass Murder. That is NOT in any way a sensationalistic tabloidish "headline". That is the absolute dire truth, and exactly why you should read about it, even if you have heard or seen the toned down version that dances around stating the exact complete truth. Most of all do something about it...
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
Daily Update
On the AutBits blog: What the world needs to know. This gold mine of incredibly revealing authoritative information covers not only autism, but also UNCOVERS the fallacy of vaccines. Do NOT pass this up, and then, pass it along...
On the DumBits blog: Guard Against Gardasil. Information on a dangerous vaccine that actually induces the disease it is supposed to prevent in 25% of the vaccin-ictims - that is a lower inducement rate than most vaccines, but the consequences are dire.
Note that we also added a post to this blog just below this post, regarding wireless mobile phone radiation.
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Wireless Mobile Phones Radiation Emissions Ratings Database
The is a topic that we have not yet had the time to report on, but do intend to do so as soon as feasible. As we have inferred before there are so many lies to refute, so little time to do so. Anyway, in the interim, here is an article about the worst offenders, so if you are looking to upgrade/buy, best to check this out, along with other sources of course. If you are not looking to upgrade/buy and already have a wireless phone, we hope you know about the dangers of the radiation from them and that you also know how to minimize your exposure. If not, we are thinking that we should tackle that next, so check back, but meanwhile we briefly express our opinion on the subject below following the links...
Link to Ten Best Wireless Mobile Phones for Minimal Radiation
Link to Wireless Mobile Phone Radiation Database Ranking All Phones
Our opinion on wireless phone radiation. We have observed many controversial positions on the issue of the microwave radiation generated from wireless phones being carcinogenic. Some contentions seem logically obvious, such as the increased incidence of tumors in people that were known to be heavy users of wireless phones for a prolonged time, with the tumors being more prevalent and appearing near the area where those people tended to hold their wireless phones close to their head. On the other side of the controversy is the powerful, monied wireless phone industry, refuting any connection of their product with tumors, funding studies that "prove" [sic] that wireless phones microwaves are not carcinogenic. This position of the wireless phone industry is very similar to many of the other powerful well monied entities such as the vaccine industry which also denies the dangers of their product and funds studies in an attempt to deflect reality. Add to these industries, others that benefit such as the profiteering oncology industry, paid scientific shills, hired ghostwriter experts, bribed politicians, bribed regulatory agencies, and the paid-for mainstream media, and we have to be realistic and conclude that it is best to avoid or at least minimize in any and every way feasible exposure to the microwave radiation from mobile wireless phones. Lastly on this issue for now, children should not use mobile wireless phone devices under any circumstances.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: Hold your nose honey, I'm gonna turn on the boobtube to see whut they're lyin about now. The latest on the moronically ridiculous drivel that is being spewed upon the brainwashed boobtoobery audience, and what you should be doing instead...
On the DumBits blog: Corrupt Countries Index. An interesting tidbit in the form of a table of the least and most corrupt countries around the planet, plus the site is Transparency International, all about corruption...
On the DumBits blog: So many lies, so little time. A look into the sinister evils of those that attempt to conceal all of the big lies that destroy the good people of this planet.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Today's Updates
On the DumBits blog: Medi-Boob People-ocide OOPS-ademic and the Big Media Boob-Tube Bobble-Head Goober-Poopers. Unfortunately, a much too realistic look at the number of deaths attributed to mistakes made by mainstream medicine, a.k.a. "death by doctor", along with our suggestion on how to attempt to avoid the medical "people-ocide" industrial complex...
On the FluBits blog: Ready... FIRE! Aim.... The latest on WHO taking the controls of the already out of control seasonal flu vaccine -- time to be REALLY concerned about what could now truly be referred to as a "shot" (as in a gun shot, not a shot of whiskey).
On the AutBits blog: The Wakefield Witch Hunt. The latest on the evil vaccine industry unconscionably, unethically, brazenly attempting to discredit and railroad the Doctor that blew the whistle on vaccines, TWELVE years ago...
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: Bumping Mumps and Other Viruses. Unfortunately, this presents a much too realistic look at vaccines via the recent mumps outbreak (where 77% of those afflicted with mumps had actually been vaccinated for mumps), but a perspective that you must grasp, remember, and pass along.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Today's Updates
On the FluBits blog: CDC Adjusts H!N! Inflation Method to Include ANYTHING that moves, or doesn't!. Some realistic awareness about the CDC's latest lies, essential for your wary mindset, with a little moaning and groaning of course...
On the VacBits blog: Merck's Gardasil HPV Vaccine leads to Diseases and even Death. Crucial life-or-death alert for teen-agers and parents of teen-agers...
On the DumBits blog: The Axis of High Evilness and the Forced Retraction. The truth behind the facade of the increasingly more bullying mainstream medical mafioso and the brazen pharmaceutical cartel and how they blatantly convolute the truth and lie for profit -- a simple dose of reality that should become part of the core of everyone's mindset for their own well being...
On the DumBits blog: "Hey El Stupido, Snowmogeddon was caused by El Nino, NOT Global Cooling, El Dumbass!", a scathing raking over the coals of some crackpot politicians (natural redundancy), but including of course some of the interesting and seemingly little known facts behind all of the recent abnormally cold, snowy weather.
On the FluBits blog: Rapid Flu Test Conveniently "Misses" H1N1. Another scathing scalding strafing of the moronic morass of morosely murderous mainstreameroos.
On the DumBits blog: Mainstream Establishment Oriented Websites, aka MEOWs. The lowly, scurrilous tactics of the mainstream moron meanies, or how to easily identify the mainstream bureaucratic misleaders.
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Sunday, February 14, 2010
Reminder on CDCs Ridiculously Overblown H1N1 Counts
Since the CDC is now dumbcasting their radically distorted overblown counts on the H1N1 flu farce as though they were actually real, we have posted a reminder of their ridiculously unethical ploy over on the FluBits blog and thought that we should post this link to it here in case anyone might need to refresh their perspective of the reality of the situation when they hear or read the CDC's blatantly bogus sniveling drivel about how the bubonic H1N1 plague decimated the population of the planet -- or, wait a minute, wasn't it the vaccine that did that?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Just "doctor" it up
We just inadvertently used the term "doctored" in a phrase on another website, in the same terminology as one would say "it was 'doctored' up". The word "doctored" is defined with synonyms such as altered, falsified, adulterated, impure, loaded, dirty. Now, we question, how did "doctor" become associated with such negative terms? Or conversely, how did physicians come to be referred to as doctors? Does anyone know why? With some doctors that we know, it makes entirely too much sense tho, once we stop and think about it; like those corrupt hypocritical morons embedded within the health agencies...
Anyway, reminds us of an amusing old analogy, once uttered by a speaker in front of a large audience of farmers, back when farmers didn't have degrees. He was talking about over-educated college-indoctrinated high falutin types, and it went something like this.
"Well, you all know what that "B.S." degree stands for ('bu||sh!t'), and the advanced degree of "M.S." just means more of it, and the topmost of the degrees is of course P.H.D. which simply means piled higher and deeper".
Disclaimer: sorry to generalize, we know there are a lot of good docs out there, and most over-educated folks are deep down pretty decent people that just got caught in the system, unawares...
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Mainstream Propaganda Machine
We recently observed several articles scattered here and there, all of them regurgitating the same "news" in a similar but slightly different fashion. This supposed "news" regarded what was being referred to as a "dietary supplement" that was found to be responsible for some adverse "side effects", similar to those that are consistently warned of with pharmaceuticals (of course).
Out of concern and in the interest of fairness, we looked into the matter with the intent of issuing an alert here regarding what seemed on the surface to be a new issue that deserved a warning.
It took a great deal of effort on our part to get to the bottom of the "story", as there was very little actual information on exactly what the "supplement" was nor what was at the root of the problem. We did finally uncover the fact that this "supplement" was traced to a chiropractor in the state of Florida, and that three of the flavors (of how many flavors we were unable to determine) of this supplement (a liquid apparently) were found to contain excessive amounts of chromium and selenium, 17 times the amount regarded as safe. The FDA "was" [sic] investigating how the excess amounts got into the product, but there was no conclusion on that either, and the inference seemed to be that it was an accidental mistake in the manufacturing process.
So, we hereby make a very long story short with the following simplistic bullet points that we finally managed to mine out of the itty bitty ant hill of extremely ambiguous (dis)information.
This "news" story was actually TWO years old and was not even very significant when it actually broke back then.
This current versions of the two year old "news" story was highly obfuscated with very little specific information relating to the original "story".
This "news" story was nothing more than absolute ghostwritten ambiguous obfuscations, picked up by the maelstrom of mainstream medical/pharmaceutical shills, in an attempt to discredit "dietary supplements", but was more pointedly implicating vitamin and mineral supplements by inference, with a slam also leveled at the chiropractic "witchcraft" profession in the process for "peddling" the "snake oil", which was likely manufactured by a paid shill of Big Pharma and the excessive levels of chromium and selenium were likely intentional to produce the exact effect that they did produce so that the propaganda machine could discredit anything and everything non-mainstream...
Note that the tainted product was recalled, with no actual mention of if it is still around (but does not appear to be), nor was there any mention of the manufacturer anywhere. Likely this is all classified and buried in the basement case files of the FDA no doubt, and just pops up now and then as if it was a current news story, a periodic repeat attack on "supplements" by the machine.
The propaganda machine has discovered a new tactic; if it's a slow news week, or if any of the hired shills can't think up any new lies, just go back to the archives, dig up an old story, and "doctor" it up to obfuscate the hell out of it, making it look like it is current breaking "news"...
Be wary, most of what you are told, hear, and read about anything from a governmental, medical, or big media source, is intended to mislead and deceive you, to their profit and to the detriment of the herd of lemmings going over the cliff into the mainstream medical/pharmaceutical abyss (that would be you and yours).
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The El Niño Snowstorm: for the Dastardly Dense Demented Derelict Deniers
- This planet is currently experiencing a strong "El Niño".
- Along with other notable deviations from normal, this cyclical weather phenomenon increases the occurrence of major snowstorms in the midwestern and especially in the middle Atlantic U.S. states, such as we have been observing.
- A blocked North Atlantic weather pattern is currently combining with the El Niño and results in increased cold temperatures in the United States (and other regions).
- The top ten worst winter storms in the history of the mid Atlantic states transpired during an El Niño in combination with a blocked North Atlantic weather pattern.
For the rest of us, a reminder of the facts that the past decade was the warmest ever recorded; last year was the warmest year on record; glaciers, ice sheets, and polar ice caps are melting; this ice melt dumps colder water into the oceans; the ocean waters in areas adjacent to the ice melt have colder waters (especially the North Atlantic, where the aforementioned "blocking Atlantic highs" mix it up with El Nino); even with the ice melt dumping colder water into the oceans the temperatures recorded in the Pacific where the El Niño originates from are the warmest ever.
And that's just the proverbial tip of the iceberg -- the warming, melting iceberg -- but we are not going to turn this into a pages-long rant, that's enough for now for a sensible reminder to normal logical people.
More Proof Vaccines are NOT Effective and the CDC Lies about the fact...
Note that altho this topic mainly targets vaccines and has been posted on the FluBits blog, we are also posting it here since it points out the incredibly unethical audacity of the CDC to tell bald-faced lies to us.
In a recent outbreak of mumps in the northeastern U.S., it was discovered that 77 percent of the victims had been fully vaccinated against the mumps virus.
This "one out of four" factor just happens to conform with the admitted ineffectiveness of the inserts provided with the H1N1 flu vaccine, working "less than 30% of the time" (how MUCH "less than 30%"...).
Now for a dose of reality. The CDC, aka the Corruptors of Disease Confuscation, has the unethical audacity to publish the lie on their website that in their biased, prejudiced, paid-off, blatantly deceptive opinion, the mumps vaccine is "76 to 95 percent effective" [sic], the exact opposite of the truth. What a bunch of low-life sinister charlatans.
Remember this, apply it to all vaccines, to all health agencies, and to the mainstream medical/pharmaceutical industrial complex. Their toxic, poisonous vaccines are NOT effective, certainly NOT safe, and they ALL lie about it...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Manual of Food Rules
A new book is out, entitled “Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual,” by Michael Pollan. Unless you are well aware of the consequences of eating processed foods, and the advantages to a wholesome diet, we suggest that you take a look at the content of this rules-of-the-road for food manual.
We found a review of the book at this link if you would like to pick up a few details on the content.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Cola Kills
A study that encompassed 60,000 people, conducted over a period of fourteen years concluded that those who drank two or more sodas per week were 87 percent more likely (than those individuals who didn't consume any soda) to develop deadly pancreatic cancer.
No association was made with which of the numerous toxic ingredients in cola was the culprit in this one "side effect", but we would wager that HFCS had something to do with it.
The Soda/Cola industrial complex has pretty much managed to suppress this crucial information, and of course big media is avoiding revealing this danger about one of their nefarious "sponsors". If the world was right, instead of those cola commercials aired during the super bowl last night, this should have been presented, but big money always wins out. Tell everyone, especially anyone you observe dumping a cola down into their life support system...
Link to article on killer cola
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Super Bowled Over
We have been somewhat remiss in posting here, as we have had an exceptionally busy week engaged in other activities, helping out friends with moving and computer problems, fighting wildfires, like that. Also, with the super bowl being held at nearby Sun Life stadium, we confess to also indulging in getting out and about, checking out the crazies in South Beach, and will likely be involved in more super bowl wackiness this weekend. We hope to get back to normal next week, after recovering from Sunday night of course.
Meanwhile, there is an important post that we have done over on our FluBits blog, here is direct link to it if interested in a means to avoid being over-vaccinated, especially regarding children and booster shots...