This post is just to point out that a new topic regarding "personal care" products has been added to the Warnings section of the Health category. If interested, click on this link to go directly to the new info.
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I keeps my axe down here...
The primary purpose of this blog is to advise readers of significant updates to our Wisdom Tidbits website (temporarily mothballed, not available), as well as any important new postings on our other three related blogs, FluBits, DumBits, and AutBits.
So, this blog will mainly feature alerts regarding website updates as well as alerts to postings on our other blogs as they occur, so that you can check out this central blog at your leisure to more easily determine whats new within the vast realm of the WisBits website and our other blogs.
However, a secondary purpose of this blog, our main focal point for all of our resources, is to also provide a medium to present short news items here of important relevance that do not necessarily fit well within the scope of the main WisBits website or the other three blogs. Now, "fetch me my axe...".
This post is just to point out that a new topic regarding "personal care" products has been added to the Warnings section of the Health category. If interested, click on this link to go directly to the new info.
For links, hot pink indicates links you have NOT yet clicked on, and lite blue indicates links you have already clicked on.
For textual content, we use color to "highlight". We use yellow for general highlighting, lite green is intended to denote info of significant interest, lite orange denotes info of a more important nature, lite red denotes critical info, and deep red indicates info of the utmost importance.
This blog has companion blogs which individually pertain to a specific subject that is addressed on the WisBits website. The links to the companion blogs follow the link to the WisBits website just below.
Click on the link below to
go to DumBits Blog
Click on the link below to
go to FluBits Blog
Click on the link below to
go to AutBits Blog
On the line directly below each post is the word "comments". Just click on that word and you will see prior comments and will be able to add yours...
Our Policy on Comments: We welcome civil minded discourse and even rational opposing viewpoints. However, we profess absolutely no obligation to allow our blog to be "trolled" by any shills of the Big Money industrial complex. Comments that fail to be reasonable will be eradicated, just as we hope that the disgusting shills will eventually be "struck down with great vengeance" from the face of the earth.
We have created this blog to serve as a medium to provide updates regarding new information on our website "Wisdom Tidbits"-- "WisBits" for short. We deemed this necessary even in the formative stages of creating the structure and content of WisBits, due to the fact that the information that would be contained therein would become quite extensive. Many of the WisBits subjects are "moving targets" about which vitally important "breaking news" might be released on any given day.
As we are advised of new crucial information that may be critical to the immediate well being of the reader, we will attempt to update the WisBits content with the most important issues first. Consequently, some updates may lag behind the breaking news. Even so, in addition to the lag time problem is the fact that the prioritized news that we do manage to update will simply show up just about anywhere on WisBits in an area that you may already have read through, and going through the entirety of the WisBits website just to find new critical updates is of course not practical.
To address these problems we have established this blog which will feature alerts regarding the aforementioned updates as they occur (we monitor numerous pertinent news aggregators, newsletters, and alerts daily). Since blogs are naturally ordered in descending date order, you can check out this blog at your leisure to more easily determine what has been transpiring recently in the realm of the WisBits website. Here again, is a link to WisBits.
The information that we provide is based on life experience and acquired knowledge, substantiated by meticulous research. Such research often reveals diversely conflicting “conclusions”. Consequently, when significant controversy is encountered, we thoroughly scrutinize various surreptitious factors that are indicative of biased and even blatantly deceptive misinformation in identifying exaggerations, distortions, and fabrications (often found on both sides of an issue) to arrive at logical conclusions as to what is true, and in some cases, to what appears to be the least inaccurate.
Further, in an attempt to provide this vital information in a concise, uncluttered, easily readable format, we will generally not document research nor generally provide references nor generally provide links to sources. However, there will be exceptions to this minimalist approach when an issue is highly controversial or if severely misleading disinformation is found to exist on a subject which merits presentation of hard to find, concrete “evidence” to clearly substantiate our conclusions.
The information contained herein pertaining to health is provided for informative and educational purposes and is not meant to be used solely as a solution intended to diagnose or treat complex health abnormalities. We are legally compelled to suggest that it might be advisable to warily consult medical practitioners to diagnose any complicated health conditions.
However, before doing so, we advise you to consider this. Recent studies indicate that in areas of the U.S. where there are more physicians, particularly "specialists", that the patients fared worse than in areas where there were less physicians, consequently being subjected to less medical "treatment", particularly less "specialized" treatment, as a result of which they fared better with less medical attention. Click on this link if you would like to peruse an article elaborating on this study (note that there is a page two link at the bottom right of the landing page that is easy to miss).
We sincerely apologize to the "Good Guys" of medicine and science for our tendency to generalize in so harshly criticizing "Big Medicine" and scientific studies. We do try to recognize the Good Guys and Gals of the medical and scientific communities for their honest contributions to the welfare of the populace. However, we do NOT apologize to Big Pharma at all (nor to politicians in general), as we "feel that" Big Pharma shills are all a bunch of sinister profiteering lying crooks out to swindle the population of this planet, while weakening it as a "side effect" or "adverse event"...
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