The primary purpose of this blog is to advise readers of significant updates to our Wisdom Tidbits website (temporarily mothballed, not available), as well as any important new postings on our other three related blogs, FluBits, DumBits, and AutBits.

So, this blog will mainly feature alerts regarding website updates as well as alerts to postings on our other blogs as they occur, so that you can check out this central blog at your leisure to more easily determine whats new within the vast realm of the WisBits website and our other blogs.

However, a secondary purpose of this blog, our main focal point for all of our resources, is to also provide a medium to present short news items here of important relevance that do not necessarily fit well within the scope of the main WisBits website or the other three blogs. Now, "fetch me my axe...".

Monday, December 28, 2009

Autoimmune Disorder Causes Arthritis in Children, and...

We repeat the title of this post, that arthritis in children, or Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (a.k.a. "JRA"), is caused by an autoimmune disorder, in order to add to that the fact that vaccines cause autoimmune disorders. Result, vaccines can cause arthritis in children, a disease that long ago, before vaccines, was only associated with the elderly.

We emphasize that there is a great deal of vastly differing disinformation on this subject, or actually on these two subjects. Generally, doctors profess that there is no known cause of JRA. Scientists generally state that JRA is entirely attributable to autoimmune disorders. Others, mostly in mainstream medicine, denote JRA as having dual causitive factors in that "something" in a child's "genetic makeup" makes them susceptible to JRA and then that an "environmental factor" such as a "virus" (or autoimmune disorder) then triggers the onset of juvenile arthritis. Long story short, the scientific conclusion is the most widely documented and most widely accepted, with the medical obfuscations being largely diversionary from the conclusive scientific evidence. They all do agree that juvenile arthritis is not hereditary.

Our bottom line conclusion for emphasis: vaccines cause arthritis, even in children.

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