On the DumBits blog: Pffftt, Pfizer, Pfguilty. Pfizer druglords found guilty of rackateering and being a corrupt organization. So they gets their liddle ole wrist slappy-pood and told that they really should stop killing people -- but wait a minute, the world is overpopulated anyway, so what the heck, give them a medal of dishonor or something for slowing down global warming...
On the DumBits blog: Osteoporosis Osteopoohpooh. You have to just read this, we cannot begin to make any sense of it, except that it is more proof that the morons are out to get us, especially any elderly with possible bone loss. Well, we do have to state that taking osteoporosis drugs can be detrimental to bone loss, as in CAUSE bone loss...
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Friday, March 26, 2010
Todays Updates
Yesterdays Updates
On the FluBits blog: Vaccine Ineffectiveness Questioned. Our response to being questioned regarding our contention that the H1N1 vaccine was admitted by the drug company manufacturer to be "effective less than 30% of the time", with of course a bit of an elaboration on the topic...
On the DumBits blog: Don't Let Your Friends be Vactims. "Vactims" is not a typo, it's a brand new word which WE made up. Nothing of major importance but some good humor, which is good for your immune system, and we also encourage everyone to use this new word.
On the DumBits blog: So Much Stupidity, So Little Time. We closed out the day with another attempt at a little humor, with our view on the fact that "they" are still giving away the nasal spray form of the H1N1 vaccine containing the "live" virus, at airports...
Lastly, here on the WisBits blog, just below this post you will find "A Tool in the War against the Deviously Demented Deceivers", just a tip about Google's "Sidewiki" that might be of interest...
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Thursday, March 25, 2010
A Tool in the War against the Deviously Demented Deceivers
Priority update: it has been pointed out that everyone that has their own blog or website should have the Sidewiki software installed in their own browsers in order to view what might be posted in Sidewiki about their own websites and blogs.
We have previously mentioned and you have all run across those charlatan shills that post blatantly devious brainwashing lies on one of those sinister corporate funded websites which allows no comments to be posted refuting the extremely misleading insanities. Or, if you can leave a comment, the wacko butt heads filter or delete anything that does not conform to their evil mantra.
Now there is a means of communicating your message to other visitors of these demonistic corporate funded websites without any interference from the offending website. At some point, this tool will likely be employed by the sleazy corporate funded shills to strike back at anything that cuts into their profits, such as the truth. But, since Google provides this tool, and since our group of truth tellers will eventually drown out the liars, we should all employ this tool and inform others of it.
Well, the Google tool is named "Sidewiki" -- a wiki that resides in the sidebar of browsers and if you are not familiar with the concept of a wiki, it provides the facility to provide further information about the website you are currently visiting. To use it requires installing the software for it in your browser. Further for anyone else to view the content of the tool, they must also install the software, so the value of the tool is limited to the small base. Note that aside from this limitation, that the tool also has other advantages which you will easily discern.
Below is a link to more information about installing and using the tool. Now, start using Sidewiki to strike back at the dark side, and be sure to tell everyone about this method of telling the truth.
Link to Google Sidewiki info.
Footnote. We recall that there are other components similar to Sidewiki, so if anyone has suggestions regarding additional components that we all should be aware of, we would appreciate it if you would let us know...
Tip. If you install Sidewiki and it does not seem to show up, there may be a trick to it. First, you need to go to a site that actually has had a Sidewiki entry posted to it. The webpage at the link above has such an entry. If you it is still not there after installing it, and you have questions, just send us an email...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Todays Update
On the FluBits blog: Prima Fazi Nazi Evidence. The CDC lamely states that the medical community is "required" to inform patients of all risks associated with any and all vaccinations...
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: Another Needle for the Vaccine Camel's Back. A "must read" for anyone uninformed about the lack of and the loss of vaccine potency and the fact that they "expire", decreasing in potency, if they ever had any to start with, over a period of a few months. Whereas, the toxins in the vaccines synergistically interact to increase in potency over time. Just how long has that vaccine been sitting on the shelf? And how long was it sitting around a warehouse before that?
On the FluBits blog: Vaccin-ictims Squeal Like Pigs Well AFTER Vaccination. Another "must read"...
On the FluBits blog: How the System is Rigged. You guessed it, another "must read". Seriously, this is what you have to comprehend for the sake of you and yours.
On the FluBits blog: How to Legally Refuse Excess Needless Ineffective Toxicly Poisonous Vaccinations. A key to enhancing and prolonging an enhanced life, or conversely avoiding a debilitated shortened costly life brought on prematurely by toxic vaccines...
Notice a patten? Like, four posts on the FluBits blog, and that's it, nothing else. Well, the weekend delving into analytical stats by the tech guy, revealed that most activity was centered there, so hence we are supposed to react accordingly by providing more information on that important subject...
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Monday, March 22, 2010
Todays Updates
We are on an extended hiatus, as yesterday the techy team member talked us into letting him do some spring house cleaning of our websites, setting up analytical stats for all of our blogs and websites, doing some needed SEO, and fighting a couple of wildfires which we think sprang up as a result of his spring cleaning efforts. We should be back up to speed tomoro, assuming that the tech guy doesn't start more wildfires, but in the interim we do provide one quick update below which is just some links to some crucial vaccine info on a site named "Think Twice". Make that TWO updates below...
On the FluBits blog: Think Twice, or Ten Times, but THINK!.
Vaccine Fables, Fantasies, Fallacies, Fabrications, Falsities, and even Fraudulent Fairy Tales. Bonus post: the tech guy fell asleep on the job so we hereby slip in an "extra" this evening. The title of the post may make it sound like a just another humorous rant, but there really are some crucial fine points there that everyone needs to absorb, remember, and pass along to everyone else -- the media boobleheads sure are not going to tattle nor confess the sins of their sinister monied sponsors...
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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Day Off (for some of us)
UPDATE to this update: we did manage to post some very important info just below this update post (but the site and other blogs remain untouched today).
Just a quick note that the tech guy has finally been allowed to take over the computer to do some "spring cleaning", to setup some tracking stats, and work on what he calls "SEO".
So the rest of the team has decided that this is a "beach day", which always turns into a "tiki bar evening".
We will be back at it tomoro, but likely not early, as the next day after a "tiki bar evening" is usually a "sleep in morning".
Hope y'all got out to enjoy a lovely spring day and never see this note...well, it may still be around in the morning for a while until we get with it and delete this.
Do well, and if you do venture here into the Wisbits maze, remember to lite a fire under everyone you know to "do something"...
UPDATE: we did manage one post a link to which is here, about the insanity of some supposedly well compensated neurosurgeon that somehow makes ends meet just on the income of a bobble head? Shuuure. No "extra" compensation from mainstream medicine to spew lies...
Beware of New "Flying" Hospital Bug
This not about the egregious number of tragic deaths that occur in hospitals. We have already covered that, long ago.
But, after hearing about a new threat in hospitals and upon researching it, we find that a more serious problem than the drug resistant MRSA infections (which is contracted largely in hospitals, and usually kills it's victims), but more importantly that very few of us seem to be aware of it, and of course the media and hospitals make no effort to warn anyone (they simply do not want you to know about the danger...). So, we hereby make some waves about it.
The new danger is from bacteria know as "clostridium difficile", aka "c-diff", which causes infections, not as deadly as MRSA immediately, but long term it can result in some rather "adverse conditions", such as colitis.
The three important issues to note regarding this emerging danger is that typical sanitation habits that might fend of MRSA do not work with C-diff, that (because of this) the number of c-diff infections have surpassed MRSA and continue to increase at an alarming rate, that more virulent forms of the C-diff bacteria are expected to emerge, and that like MRSA there does not seem to be any effective means to prevent or treat the c-diff infection.
Footnote. As with any bacteria or virus contracted in a hospital, these same infectious, contagious agents also tend to migrate to nursing homes and other types of "health care facilities". Keep this in mind, minimize exposure, keep your immune system strong (avoid vaccines which cause degradation and disorders of the immune system), and do what you can to practice good sanitation in a sick care environment.
Lastly on this, realize that this bacteria is classified as "contagious", just like a virus, in that this type of bacteria is said to develop "spores" which it can release that float around in the air -- so, infection is not just from direct contact, you can pick up the spores just by breathing.
The drug companies must be out partying, spending all their money they made from the H1N1 vaccine, as they should have already produced a c-diff vaxine -- heck, just relabel the tons of unused H1N1 vaccine and use that, as a vaccine doesn't need to be "effective"...
Warn others about this, because the media and the sick care community sure as hell are not going to warn anyone...
UPDATE! Note the following blurb from the Mayo Clinic on c-diff. "Some people who have C. difficile never become sick, though they can still spread the infection. C. difficile illness usually develops during or shortly after a course of antibiotics. But signs and symptoms may not appear for weeks or even months afterward". Now, isn't that interesting...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: Mosquitoes Spreading Vaccines. Yes, scientists have managed to screw up mosquitoes such that you don't have to have a needle stuck in your arm for a vaccination, just go stand out in the swamp every once in a while. This may sound humorous, but unfortunately we did not make this up, it is depressingly real. So sell your stock in that mosquito fogging business and insect repellents, as they will soon ban the practice of spraying insecticide in the air so that everyone can get properly mosquitinated, and they admit in some cases over vaccinated or vaccinated for entirely the wrong things -- but hey, that happens anyway already...
On the FluBits blog: Vaccine Didn't Slow Down H1N1. Another "no joke", experts slipped up and admitted that the H1N1 vaccine was NOT effective against -- guess what -- the H1N1 virus... So, all of you that were injected with the toxic sludge, well, now you got some extra toxic sludge in your body. Maybe we should sell t-shirts that say something like "I survived the H1N1 vaccine -- well, so far anyway".
On the FluBits blog: Aluminated, a.k.a. Toxiticized or Poisonuted. This is a "must read" for a rainy day. Absolute proof that they are out to get you, and me, and everybody else, except them of course -- they wouldn't be stupid enough to be injected with a toxic death-inducing sludge. Seriously folks, this is not a rant, it is proof that we all need to become activists to have the toxins removed from vaccines -- "just the antigen please"...
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Friday, March 19, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: The Perverted Evolution of Pharmaceutical Drugs. If you do not comprehend the absolute detestable perversity of pharmaceuticals and the despicably sinister drug industry that concocts the absurdly detrimental effluvient, you absolutely must absorb this information for your personal knowledge base...
On the DumBits blog: Researchers Accepted Bribes to Deceive Us. Surely not?
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: OxiMORONS, Octo-DUMBASSES, and Octo-DEMENTOS. You have to read this to believe it. Our job of finding a little humor is just too easy, sooo MANY idiots, so little time...
On the FluBits blog: Profits Fund Prophets. A must read, for the well being of you and yours. How is it that most people seem incapable of fathoming this simple obvious truth?
On the FluBits blog: Vultures in Sheep's Clothing. The pack of rabid wolves is avalanching and they are getting the sheeps disguise down to near perfection. Our advice on staying safe while putting out some buzzard bait for the vultures.
On the FluBits blog: CDC Inadvertantly Proves Vaccines are Dangerous. That pretty much says it all, again, and again...
On the AutBits blog: Autism Tissue Program. It's all right there in front of us, right out in the open, with red flags and flashing lights and wailing sirens, and most of us still are unable to see how simple it is. More logical proof that the dangers of the deadly toxins dumped into vaccines is known but they are trying to keep it covered up for as long as they can -- get the message out...
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Todays "Meegur" Updates
On the DumBits blog: 1% of Greedy Americans have managed to steal 95% of the American "Wealth". Thanks to the recent "redistribution" of wealth BY the filthy rich banks and filthy rich Wally-World Street, robbing from the lower and middle classes and passing it up the rope to the FILTHIEST rich aholes, the title of this DumBits post appears to be accurate, tho controversial...
In the "for whatever it's worth" category, note that directly below this post is a new post which attempts to override all of the daily typically rancid smelly elephant poop with a little diversionary humor...
Note. We are still embroiled in researching the complexities of some controversies while also performing some badly needed refinements on the main WisBits website, so our activity on the blogs is still at a minimal level. Plus it's time for a few glasses of Guinness along with a few shots of Jameson, so we are out of here. In light of the prior statement, don't expect much out of us tomorrow, except for maybe a few hangover-induced rants about the brilliant conversations that we will experience tonight... ;)
PS: we know how to spell "meager" (in the title, "meegur") and will take this minute to point out that we often come up with sillyistic extrapolatications of spellingdortions of wordies in an attemptification to showboatiate our cleverjestic mindpooperings. In fact, a little later tonight, we will no doubt all be talking just like that -- nonsensicalpedocious...
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Tooo Fuunneee, Ho Ho Hoe...
Everybody needs a good laugh now and then, good for the ole relaxatification, laughter is the best medicine, unless you ask a mainstream doctor that is...
Anyway, we ran across some of our archived stuff that we thought would make an easy post since we are still busy with other stuff. Uncertain where we found it, a search indicated that it was a contest from the Washington Post "years ago". Since a search on their site turned up nothing, and the info is found thousands of places across the internet, we feel that we are not breaking any copyrights by posting it here -- if we do, just sue us, we ain't got no money anyways...
The concept is called "neoglogism", whereby you alter a word by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supplying a new wacky definition for the new word. Here are a few of the better ones. Do a search on "neoglogism" if interested in more...
"bozone", being 'ozone' prefixed by a 'b': a substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating, usually brought on by pharmaceuticals. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
"dopelar effect", being 'doplar effect' with an 'e' inserted: the tendency of incredibly stupid ideas to seem smarter when they are thrown at you rapidly by the media.
"ignoranus", being 'ignoramus' with the 'm' replaced by an 'n': a person WHO is both stupid and an asshole, a.k.a. a member of a governmental health organization.
"intaxication": the euphoria from getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with and that they kept most of it to "redistribute" to the wealthy...
"cashtration": the act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent.
"giraffiti": being 'graffiti' with an 'i' inserted, which implies artistic vandalism spray painted waaay up high.
"reintarnation": coming back to life as a hillbilly.
"karmageddon": the day when the middle class and impoverished will be sending off all these really bad vibes, and then the planet explodes.
"glibido": all talk and no action, aka politicians...
And we have to add one of our own for the good old World Hoax Organizers, adding an 'R' to their acronym resulting in "WHOR", defined as a member of WHO that, well, you see where this one is going...and of course their is the equivalent "urban" version of this geoglogism of just dropping the 'W' to result in "Ho"... HO, WHOR, WHO -- what's the difference??? There is none...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Recent Updates
On the FluBits blog: Eugenic Vaccines and Billy Bob Gates. Some common sense reasoning about the faux paux the Wild Bill Gates let slip in a recent speech regarding the use of vaccines in the interest of global warming, oh, and eugenics (depopulation). If you have read about mental SBD stinker by Willy Boy elsewhere, you likely read an anti-vaxxer piece, whereas we take a slightly different, and actually more penetrating analysis of the under-lying considerations, something to consider and remember.
On the DumBits blog: Uneducated but Indoctrinated - The Dumbing Down of the American Herd of Sheep. We address a much-too-long-ignored but future WisBits subject with a link to another site that provides a realistic interim look at the dumb brainwashing American educational system.
In the "for whatever it's freakin worth" category, note that directly below this post is a new post regarding the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory, newly released by our good old tell-no-lies-just-dont-tell-everything EPA. If you don't go there, we don't blame you at all, but we would like to take a shot at them by noting the data.gov site allows you to access the non-confidential "stuff". So, that means they have "confidential" data about chemicals that they are not letting the general public see, which is something that we have pointed out. Given that, do the words "secret" or "suppression" come to mind? And does it make you wonder just what it is that our EPA, our government is hiding from us about chemicals? Does that make you want to ask questions of our wonderful government? If "yes" to the latter, see the "How to Do Something" links in the right sidebar on this webpage.
Note. The recent effort of putting out some wildfires on other websites, combined with a little birthday weekend celebration, along with some finally too nice to stay inside weather, all spilled over into mundane Monday before we knew what was happening, and here it is Toozday. We apologize about the lapse, but we profess that it was not a total slack off, as we did take some short stabs at refining and enhancing some minor aspects of the main WisBits website as occasional sobriety and short clips of time allowed. Of note, we did add a new page to WisBits entitled "Real World Quotations", consolidating all the quotes from the site as well as adding a few new ones. If you would like to check it out, click on this link to go directly there.
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TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory
On our webpage rating good and bad websites, we basically make the assertion that dot-gov suffixed sites should be viewed in varying degrees from "enter at your own risk" to the feared "do not touch with a ten foot pole".
In our effort to spy on our wonderful corporate backed "government", we subscribe to emails from usa.gov regarding various topics, including "whats new". Today we were informed that our good ole EPA has made the the "TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory" available, for whatever it's worth. We do not testify to the reliability of the data provided in this new "inventory", and in fact suggest a degree of skepticism if not outright wariness, but provide the link below for anyone to check out for any possible value, or maybe just a laugh or two...
Link to "TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory".
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Just a quote to ponder...
A quote by "Jules", from the close of the movie "Pulp Fiction", at the end in the restaurant robbery scene, rated one of the best quotes from any movie ever: "There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. 'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you'. I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, that meant your ass. I never gave much thought to what it meant. I just thought it was a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. See, now I'm thinkin': maybe it means you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. 9mm here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could mean you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. And I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd." Got that? We think that the quote within the encompassing quote (the part in green) parallels what might be applied to the politicians, the media, big pharma, and the mainstream sick care marauders... What DOES it all mean? "What's it all about, Alfie"...?
Todays Updates, such as they are...
On the DumBits blog: CNN Med Heads Mislead. A strong example of why the pharma-funded corporate network news boobs are dangerous to your health. We feel that if the world was right, that there should be a big flashing overlay on the news broadcasts like the warning on cigarette packages, something like "The information provided on this corporate network newscast is likely misleading due to a monetary conflict of interest imposed by the pharmaceutical advertisers, and consequently is likely dangerous to your sanity, your health, and your well being".
On the DumBits blog: Third-hand Vaccine Toxins. Just a slightly humorous rant, nothing crucial, but one of the team member pseudo-proofreaders expressed her opinion that the basic theory of second-hand and third-hand exposures to toxins should be considered by everyone to some extent as potentially viable...
Since we are supposedly slacking off a little this weekend, we thought that we would provide you a link to an interesting site about the need for a new Bull Moose Movement. For the younger crowd, that is not about male moose poop, rather it regards a political movement that was seen as needed 100 years ago by then president Teddy Roosevelt ranting about political corruption of the two "partys" that we are STILL stuck with, the Demon-Rats and the Re-Poop-Lickers. So, here is the link to the Bull Moose Movement website if you happen to be fired up about the bribery, corruption, collusion in D.C. -- what does "DC" stand for anyway, maybe "Derelict Congress" or Detestable Collusionistas or Damnable Crooks or Disgusting Creeps or Despicable Cheaters or?
And one more link. We often deride mainstream media for being puppets of big money, mostly big pharma, stating our disgust with their campaign of disinformation, deceptions, and blatant bald faced lies to deceive and brainwash the populace into being subjected to practices that weaken and destroy them to the profit of the mainstream sick care system. So, it is with enthusiasm that we pass along a link to a site named "TV News Lies", which parallels our often stated perspective of the corrupt media. Here is the link to tvnewslies.org.
Note. We are still in the midst of putting out some wildfires, doing some scattered work on the main WisBits website, while also getting out and enjoying some nice weather here for a change. Consequently, you all may not see much activity here this weekend, but we should be back at it "full tilt" by Monday, after a little weekend partying.
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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Todays Meager Update
On the DumBits blog: The "Tea" Party, The "Coffee" Party, The "Whiskey" Party, The "Party! Party!" Party... Just a rant, written by an ass-ociate after he got home last night from a political conversation at the local tiki bar. We leave it to you to judge whether he was at the bar a little too long, but we admit it is a slightly amusing piece considering it was written under the influence. We did have to run it through our "delete explicatives" software program first though, actually took several attempts to get past the abnormal terminations due to the heave use of "colorful" words...
On the FluBits blog: Impending Implosion of Evil Vaccine Empire Breeds Sudden Widespread Tsunami of Unconscionable Reactions. The title says enough, go read it, and then do something about it...
Note. We are still in the midst of putting out some wildfires, doing some scattered work on the main WisBits website, while also getting out and enjoying some nice weather here for a change. Consequently, you all may not see much activity here this weekend, but we should be back at it "full tilt" by Monday, after a little weekend "party party" partying.
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Belated Friday Update
On the DumBits blog: The HELLth Care Bull -- What Most of Us Don't seem to Know... Our humble, but accurate opinion on the health care bill and it's lack of any "reform", except for reforming (aka, depleting) the bank accounts of the middle class and the poor by giving over their meager supply of money to the greedy unconscionable insurance companies and still won't be able to seek medical mistreatment (which might actually be a good thing) because of ridiculously high insurance deductibles which are intended as a roadblock to keep the insured from actually using the insurance, so more profits for the insurance quackheads.
Note. On one front we are putting out some wildfires on another blog, going about some butt-hole vaxxer sites posting caustic comments, and also doing some scattered work on the main WisBits website which do not yet amount to enough to report here, so while it may appear that we are slacking off, we actually put in an 18 hour day on Friday (yesterday). Further, it appears that the main website work will continue through the weekend, and along with finally getting some great (warm, sunny, mild) weather here for the weekend, we have to get out and enjoy it, time for a little exercise and "R & R", also soaking up some sun on the beach, checking out the bikinis, sipping on some maggyritas, and we also have a birthday in the family today, so, did we mention sipping on maggyritas... Life is tough here, but we try to enjoy it when the weather is right, y'all do the same...
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: WHO Lies and Denies, Surprise, Surprise. Not a rant, rather more proof that we have been ranting about is valid and justified, but more importantly basic realism that everyone needs to ajust their mindset to in order to avoid the mountains of dangers that haunt us all and the lies that they decieve us with...
On the AutBits blog: Vaxxer Shills Piling On. A must read. Charlatan vaxxers are unfairly discrediting good sites that tell the truth about their vaccines and you can do something about it -- fight back!!!
And directly below this "update" post is a piece entitled "Sign an anti-chemical-pollutant petition". It is all about the hundreds of chemicals found in newborns and a petition demanding that something be done about it, with a concluding point for your ongoing knowledge base...
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Sign an anti-chemical-pollutant petition...
Link to sign an anti-chemical-pollutant petition.
Note that if you sign the petition, when you hit the button to submit the petition, a subsequent page soliciting donations will appear, but you can just ignore that if you want, unless you are Bill Gates and can afford to give away TEN BILLION dollars to aid and abet having even more chemical TOXINS and carcinogens injected INTO children -- so, if you do have some extra money, for a GOOD cause you might consider a donation to these good folks that are attempting to keep chemical toxins OUT of children, to our kids healthier and avoid weakening the populace of this country and the planet, unlike Big Billy who must have invested a few billion dollars in drug companies and mainstream med stocks...
Note that in the sidebar on the right side of this page in the "How To Do Something" section there are some links to online petitions sites, where you can not only start your own petition, locally, nationally, or even globally, but you can also browse existing petitions and sign them. The ones listed in the sidebar are supposed to be, or were when we added them, viable sites that are not just "e-mail address farms". We also must note that the effectiveness of petitions is said by some to be minimal, unless billions of dollars are attached to them of course, but we have determined that they do in many situations have at least some effect... Any opinions on that?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Todays Updates
On the AutBits blog: Scientific Link To Autism Identified. This will make you laugh, and moan. It is so stupid it is funny. It is so sad that it hurts. Yet another study has surfaced that makes a factually credible scientific link between vaccines and autism. They even point directly to the exact precise offending toxic substance in the vaccines that triggers the "perfect storm". And what is that substance. A poisonous food additive. What in the hell is ANY food additive doing in a vaccine, and why is it still in there? This food additive is toxic enough in foods, but they put it in a toxic sludge cocktail with other poisons, call it a vaccine, and inject it directly into your child's body with a needle??? And they knew months ago that it causes autism and it is still in vaccines??? In the H1N1 vaccine! But it is highly likely that you have not heard about this before, because the vaccine industry pays off politicians, the health agencies, and the media to keep it quiet. Read the post and then do something about it -- the criminals should be strung up from the nearest tree...
On the DumBits blog: Pay Doctors to Not Kill Us???. Mainly a rant, but it points out a ludicrous scenario that all of us should at least let them know that we know...
On the FluBits blog: New Link: Vaccination Risk Awareness Network. How bout that, a link to a link. Sorry, we are late for a "staff meeting" at the tiki bar...
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: More on Gardasil/HPV Absurdities. This is a must read, for just about everyone. Compulsory. Mandated. Forced. Just like the ineffective HPV vaccine that needlessly induces seizures, paralysis, death, and disease in tens of thousands without the chance of providing any benefits for most and actually increases the chance of getting the cancer that it is supposed to prevent, almost half the time... Sounds like absolute lunacy, and it is. The most crucially important fact to note is that, confoundingly, state legislators are preparing to pass laws that will force this plague upon children. Do NOT skip this, and let them know that you know and that they damned well better back off or suffer the consequences...
On the FluBits blog: Concocting Viruses in a Lab is "Easy". Even more proof that our often stated contention of the possibility that some deviously deranged but well paid chemists in some secret drug company vaccine labs are busily concocting new viruses and bacteria for next "season", soon to be cast about in airports and shopping malls near you... HEY, they started H1N1 in January of last year, theoretically in some pig farm cesspool in Mehixicoco, and it spread north due to a little help of "pharma freinds" dispensing vials of the live virus at airports...
On the main WisBits website: now that we have gotten you all "mad as hell", we point out that we have updated the Eradicating Stress webpage to include a suggestion from a viewer. Their idea was to provide links to websites that provide a little bit of escapism from the reality of life, for a distraction from all the stress that we are swamped with every day. Distractions are good, as it is often said that you can only be thinking about one thing at a time. Anyway, the new link to the "Life's a Coast" video blog is at the bottom of the Eradicating Stress page under "Escaping it All", or you can go directly there by just clicking on this link which will land you on the home page, the tabs at the top will get you to the video pages (they have daily videos of sunrises over the Atlantic and sunsets over the mangroves of the Everglades, as well as clips of local flora, fauna, the beach, stuff like that).
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Monday, March 8, 2010
Todays Updates
On the AutBits blog: Lame, Laughable, Linkquisition. This is a follow up regarding our prior criticism of the mainstream medical establishment feebly, lamely, nitpickingly, attempting to discredit one little ole twelve year old "paper", which did not even directly state that there was a vaccine/autism link, so that the vaxxers could ludicrously blurt out that ALL vaccines were "not guilty" of anything. What kind of mood altering drugs are those vaxxers on anyway? It must make them incredibly stupid, although they may well have started out that way... A serious point, this itty bitty fiasco is not just about autism, it is also about the smokescreen mirage that the established mainstream medical bureaucracy unconscionably fabricates to justify their certifiably insane peddling of vaccines which induce diseases that result in more profits for them.
And lest you miss it, directly below this post, is another post that we made today, regarding the "Silent Genocide of the Elderly". Now if you think you are not in that category, of "elderly", or do not know someone that is, we suggest that this presents vital information for everyone, because someday YOU are going to get there, and what is going on with the mistreatment of our older generation now needs to be understood by all and addressed, before YOU get there. "This ain't pretty", something needs to be done...
On the DumBits blog: if you just might like a "get away from it all" thing, try our post "Itty Bitty Titty Committee" for somewhat of a divergence from the usual...
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Silent Genocide of the Elderly
It is not well known, but nursing home residents that have absolutely no psychotic disorders are given anti-psychotic drugs. The use of such powerful drugs is problematic for the nursing home residents that have absolutely no condition calling for the administration of the drugs because most of the residents already have a form of dementia, a condition that puts them at an increased risk of death when given these powerful drugs. These psychotropic drugs are designed, questionably, to treat people with severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, not dementia, and certainly not those that have absolutely no neurological problems.
Most nursing home residents are treated with these anti-psychotic drugs simply to "sedate" them (aka, to "drug" them), but especially to control and suppress behaviors of any residents that are "difficult" for the (under-staffed) nursing home staff.
It is said that victims that have been subjected to this mistreatment, that were subsequently relieved of forced feeding of these "medications", expressed that being drugged in this manner may outwardly seem like the victim is calm and complacent, but inwardly they feel alone and trapped, like being locked up in solitary confinement, a horrifically unpleasant existence for those that already have mental difficulties, or don't.
Millions of baby boomers are expected to develop dementia, many of which will end up in nursing homes. If you are a boomer or know someone that is, take note, warn others, prepare...
Footnote. Consider that rather than sedating elders with debilitating drugs, why not give them medical marijuana instead, which has been proven to be beneficial for many conditions of the elderly. Let them "grow their own" in their rooms, in the hallways, in their sun-rooms, give them something interesting to cultivate. Maybe grow some herbs and spices too... Seriously.
Note that, "it is said", that this intentional drugging of the elderly is performed primarily to reduce costs. Consider that the anti-psychotics may have a price, but the fact that they make the nursing home residents "controllable", drugged up, sitting around gazing out the window or mindlessly shoved in front of a TV all day, allows the nursing homes to "manage" the residents with considerably less staff, which saves considerably more money than the drugs cost. Our point is that this travesty is inflicted on the elderly out of greed, and everyone should raise some hell about this damnable scenario. Further consider, that could be you someday -- wouldn't you rather catch a natural buzz, get the munchees, eat some pizza, feel horny again, rather than be doped up such that you sit in a corner and slobber all over yourself, and do other things that we won't mention...?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Retired, Goin Crazy? A Solution?
Recently retireded? Your "significant other" recently retired? Both of you? Oh, you had some fun for a while, taking life easy, sleeping in, being lazy, relaxing, while also doing all those things you never had time to do before, whenever you damn well feel like it.
But now you (or your sig-oth, or both of you) are getting bored with it all. Emails and Facebook are getting to be the same-ole same-ole. Reading books doesn't do much for you all anymore. Watching TV turns out to be watching commercials, with some two hour B-movie sprinkled in that is now 4 hours long, and you have seen the move twenty times already. Going visiting or shopping requires cleaning up, dressing up, and then actually gettin out and going somewhere. And on and on. You do this one day, you do that the next day, but it all falls into the same old routine, and you and/or the sig-oth still have a waaay toooo muuuch time with nothing much to do of interest. Beside that, your sig-oth is starting to go stir-crazy, pestering you, driving YOU crazy (or crazier...or vice versa?).
So. Consider that the world we live in, and especially the one our descendants are going to have to survive in, has become a deadly treacherous place to try to exist in, and is becoming increasingly worse, and will continue to do so unless something is done to halt this mad race of the herd of lemmings to jump over the cliff of destruction.
Now. Consider that YOU or your sig-other, or both of you together can become activists (again?) and join in with others to stop the certifiably insane corruption and decline of the planet we live on.
Consider also that getting involved in addressing the ills of this planet, or some of them, would be satisfying and rewarding. Your children and grandchildren would look up to you as doing good, being "cool" in their eyes. And, getting into this type of endeavor not only makes you an informed and knowledgeable person able to help others, but if you are getting up there in years, the mental efforts involved will make you sharper and keep you sharp...
Not sure how to get started? Don't know anyone that does, or does not have the time to help you out? We have a page on our main WisBits website that provides some basic entry information on how to get started, and of course we are available to help if you have additional questions, as are a huge number of good folks out there on forums and in help groups. Here is a link to the getting started page on our main WisBits website, "How to Establish a FREE Website/Blog Like Ours".
One caution. You all may get so involved in your "activism", that you may well find yourselves "working" sixteen hours a day, neglecting to do simple things like shave and shower, and even necessary things like eat, exercise, and sleep.
Lastly, one serious precaution. If you get right in there where all the dirty dealings begin to transition from a distant hazy mirage, into a ravenous hoard of snarling, ugly, slobbering mad dogs, when you see just how corrupt the world has become, it may well sicken, frighten, sadden, disgust, and enrage you beyond your prior comprehension of your ability to do so. This type of endeavor is definitely NOT for the meek, nor for anyone that might have anger or blood pressure problems. Seriously. If you are not up to looking into the stinking cesspool of corruption, but might still like to try to do some good, then you can still blog about good things, just stay away from the reality of just how horrifically screwed up the "leadership" of this sick planet has become; not that it was ever really great...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: H1N1 Vaccine Admitted to Induce Paralysis, and "The Cocktail Effect". This is a crucially important "must read", for the safety and well being of you and yours, for your knowledge base to warn others about. Do you want to be paralyzed? Do you want your child to be paralyzed? The propaganda machine fakes you out by blurting that this is rare and that it "only" happens to one little old person in a million, but do YOU want your child or yourself to be that ONE? Think about that, long and often... Do you want to take the chance of being paralyzed just in the hope of avoiding the remote possibility of maybe preventing catching the long shot H1N1 flu that is admitted to be weak and has gone the way of disco? It has happened to yet another "one" victim, and this post much too clearly explains the admission of mainstream med that it was the H1N1 vaccine, but most importantly we point out the reality of what they avoided admitting that you must realize and remember and tell everyone about.
On the AutBits blog: Molecular biologists know how to turn on and turn off autism?. Another "must read", whether or not you have any interest in autism, as this post reveals more crucially important information for your knowledge base for the health and well being of you and yours...
On the DumBits blog: Doctor Assisted Suicide Happens Thousands of Times Per Day, Clandestinely. An invaluable rant, to condition your mindset to where it needs to be to avoid "death by doctor", "death by surgery", and "death by pharmaceuticals"...
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Friday, March 5, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: Broken Government, Declining America, Dying Planet. Mostly about an interesting blog that we ran across, but the part of it that we center in on deals with the deteriorating condition of America an the growing corruption of government, with some ideas on what to do about the sad situation.
Also, just below this post is a piece on the salmonella alert out for hydrolized vegetable protein, as well as a warning for the product itself, salmonella or no, it is a clone of the neurotoxin monosodium glutamate, aka MSG...
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Salmonella Alert: Hydrolized Vegetable Protein, aka HVP, MSG, Monosodium Glutamate, Neurotoxin, or Poison
First, note that hydrolized vegetable protein (aka, "HVP") is simply a new name for the new form of the infamous monosodium glutamate, (aka, MSG). Note that the reason that MSG was removed from foods is that it was finally admitted to be a neurotoxic, endocrine disrupting, excitotoxin, which is a nice obfuscating way of saying "poison", albeit a slow poison, which is responsible for a number of maladies that conveniently require "sick care" treatment. HVP, like MSG, is concocted by "boiling down" soy, corn, or wheat (which already are contaminated with plenty of of their own impurities such as herbicides and insecticides) using of all things hydrochloric acid, and then "neutralizing" the resulting chemical effluvient, which of course then also contains "trace amounts" of good ole hydrochloric acid, with good ole sodium hydroxide. This "breaks down" the resultilng so-called protein crud into a dark colored liquid, now also containing trace amounts of the sodium hydroxide of course, that is in reality is just a mutation of the toxic "sodium salt" known originally as monosodium glutamate, MSG. Don't you just love the way that our good ole bribed FDA is duplicitous in allowing this kind of known hidden switch of toxic food ingredients to a different name...
Anyway, we digress, as it is hard not to do on this topic. The original point is that we have some much too busy friends that were unaware of the HVP "product" recall whom are known to ingest some "convenient" snack foods (along with a little beer and wine...) in their busy hurry to get through life as fast as they possibly can. Considering that, since the evil "powers that be" do everything that they can to keep everyone much too busy, we thought that we would note the recall here in the hope that someone might notice this and pass the word along to their busy friends.
This HVP swill is disguised as a hidden "flavor enhancer" that is clandestinely dumped into many processed foods such as soups, dips, and hot dogs. To this we say, those kinds of "snack" foods are filled with many processed poisonous carcinogenic substances, such as HVP, all of which will solve the problem of life being to busy, decades before you get a chance to slow down and enjoy life in later years, unless the satanic "powers that be" someday manage to do away with "retirement" and keep us all busy throughout our entire lives.
Here is a link to a searchable database of products that are on the HVP recall list, although we simply suggest strict avoidance of "snack products"; think of them as "snatch products", things that will "snatch" your life away much too soon. And for those youngsters out there that have been conditioned to think that getting old and taking life easy is not something high on your list of desirable things to do, take it from someone that participated heavily in the era of "free love" which provided the benefits of "sex, drugs, and rock and roll": it only gets better with age, and better and better, without all of those hangovers and drug withdrawals and VD clinic visits that were a "side effect" of being younger. A side note on that last suggestion: avoid pharmaceuticals, because they are just drugs that mask, screen, and hide the real joys of life, while turning people into slobbering, joyless, muddle-headed, grouchy, mean, immoral, hypocritical, demented, lifeless, soul-less, devil-worshiping, lying, unconscionable "I got mine" assholes (a.k.a. politicians), which is precisely what the drugs were designed and intended to do in order to benefit the drug manufacturers...
Opinion. If the world was right, if our government did the right thing, their should be a recall on snack products just because they are poisonous "as is", not because they might happen to be contaminated with salmonella. Isn't contamination with an endocrine disrupting neurotoxin reason enough to keep it out of the reach of the mindless brainwashed masses. Well, yes it is, but this little planet is overpopulated anyway, intentionally, and we have to drive the lemmings over the cliff into the sick care abyss to stimulate the economy for the rich...
Footnote. For food additives, a mountain of obfuscating disinformation exists pro and con, true and false. No exception with MSG/HVP, which is also associated with the amino acid glutamate in various forms in various foods and supplements. of course the FDA not only does nothing to regulate the product, but it actually confuses the issue and looks the other way, looking right toward those that bribe them with their hand out. Anyway, there are many variables and exceptions surrounding all of these substances, but the one constant we stress is that if it is a "food additive" that it is not good for you and yours. Bottom line, be wary, there is an abundance of highly confusing and even erroneous information out there on these topics.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: Smart-Bomb-Tumor-Killer "vaccine" announced. Big Pharma news announced today that they have come up with a "smart bomb vaccine" that wakes up the apparently asleep immune system of the human body and bombards it with instructions and GPS coordinates to attack cancers. We think that in reality the pharma-istas finally woke up and realized that natural alternative cancer fighters actually cured cancer and that the deviously ill-conceived mainstream chemo-radiation "snake oil" actually killed most cancer patients, so they sneakily have devised a "vaccine" that is actually a clandestine combination of secret natural alternative cancer fighters which will actually cure victims instead of killing them. Ka-ching! But, the problem is...(more).
Note: not much surfacing out of the WisBits world today folks, had some wildfires explode onto the scene right after posting the above humor to start the day. But, if any of you all are getting up there in years, like at or approaching the golden years, we ran across a great resource that you might find informative as well as interesting. If you are not quite there yet, consider any of your elders that might benefit... The blog goes by the name of "Time Goes By", and here is a link to it, landing on the page of an article of like-minded interest to anyone that would be visiting here...
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: Fishy News on POISON Fish Oil SUPPLEMENTS. News has it that out of the hundreds of reliable manufacturers of fish oil, that a few cheapo drug store retailers of fish oil supposedly contaminated with PCB's are being sued by a phony setup and then big pharma financed hired ghostwriter shills cherry-pick details and concoct delusional misleading stories screaming bloody murder that all fish oil is poisoned. Realize that omega-3 deficiencies are rampant in the populace and are said to inflict countless diseases that send them into the dark abyss of the mainstream sick care industry, which of course includes big pharma drugs (so, scaring people away from fish oil increases their sleazy profits). It is not just a rant, we actually provide some reliable info for your safety.
On the DumBits blog: Demand Repayment and Jail Time for Medicare Frauders. Enough said, raise some hell, just do it...
On the DumBits blog: One Billion of OUR "Stimulus" Money Goes to China???. You have to read it to believe it, but even then...we did NOT make this up...
Also, directly below on this blog following this update, is a report on the subject of Asthma and Allergies, which is also in the news. Very important information.
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Asthma and Allergies: Another Part of The Big Lie
We observed with interest the announcement of the new bronchial thermoplasty "treatment" performed in a hospital as an outpatient three times over three days. Note number one was that it was stated that this treatment is not always effective (surprise, surprise) and at the end of the bobble-fest there was a much too short whisperation that "the procedure does not come without some risk", of course. Hells bells, just simply visiting a hospital invokes a risk of catching a bacterial infection that can result in permanent afflictions and even death. Then they want to stick hot pipes (which may well be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and who knows what) down into our bronchial passageways as a form of "treatment"? Geez Loueez... Note number two was that as the medical "ex-spurt" wrapped up his spiel, the news commentator, aka bobble head, astutely (surprisingly) asked the logical obvious question as to what else could be done to alleviate the consequences of asthma, to which the "spurt" did (surprisingly) respond that the underlying problem of asthma was inflammation and that if you should "fix the inflammation and that might fix the asthma" (must have caught him off guard, he told the truth rather than say take drugs for it...).
Before we address the recommended solutions for asthma and allergies, we must back up all the way to conception; yeh, pregnancy, prenatally, before birth, to point out the number one cause of asthma and allergies. Pregnant women should NOT NOT NOT be injected with any kind of vaccine (and any female that might ever become pregnant should minimize innocuous inoculations throughout life, starting at birth).
First, aside from causing astma and allergies, vaccines are associated with miscarriages and stillbirths (just check the VAERS database for all of the miscarriages that occurred right after injections of the H1N1 vaccine, which just happened to be strongly recommended by the scurrilous health agencies), as well as deformities and numerous diseases, so aside from asthma and allergies, right there is a good reason to avoid vaccines during (and before) pregnancy. Here is a direct link to our post on the subject, which also has a link to the VAERS database information -- tell everyone, pass it on...
Secondly, vaccines are admitted and documented to at least wreck, but also to even completely destroy, the immune system of the human body. The adjuvants and numerous toxins in vaccines clandestinely (you don't KNOW it, you can't FEEL it) over-stimulate the immune system as much as tenfold, by a factor of ten. For a clear analogy to remember and pass along to everyone you know, consider that instead of having a couple of cups of coffee in the morning, try having TWENTY cups of coffee after you get up, and be sure to load all that coffee up with sugar, cream, and how about some artificial sweetener that just happens to be a poison (kind of like the sugar and food additives they dump into vaccines). Does that make ANY sense? Would you do that willingly, knowingly? Again, remember this analogy and tell everyone... After the repeated over-revving of the immune system through the barrage of vaccinations that a child is subjected to, the immune system eventually begins to wear out and all types of immune disorders begin to surface; the list of immune disorders is much too long to insert here, but realize that just about any sickness, malady, chronic condition, or disease that you can think of is the result of a weakened immune system, at least in part if not wholely. The major point of this one point about asthma is to realize and remember that inflammation (which the aforementioned medical "ex-spurt" inadvertently admitted caused asthma) is a known, proven, documented immune disorder, which is the result of a weakened immune system, which is the result of a barrage of vacuous vaccinations, innocuous inoculations, shoddy shots, bad jabs, needlessly needling...
Thirdly, asthma and allergies are the result of both overactive immune systems and also weakened immune systems. Therefore, the simple correlation is that since vaccines radically over-rev the immune system and eventually weaken and destroy it, vaccines therefore induce asthma and allergies. A simple logical fact, but do "they" point that out? No, and they would somehow deny this plain simple hidden truth if asked. That is called hypocrisy, and remember the "Hypocritical Oath".
We are realizing that the topic of asthma and allergies is much too extensive to address here in a blog post, and have decided that this must instead be the subject of a webpage on our main WisBits website. We will finish compiling pertinent information and will then establish this under the "Illness and Disease" category. In the interim, we have started to address the subject of building immunity on our main WisBits website, just click on this link to go there if interested. Check back from time to time, we will advise here on our blog when we have implemented the asthma and allergies webpages on our main site.
We must close at this point by warning that "procedures" and drugs are not the answer to fixing the problems of allergies and asthma, as those efforts only temporarily treat the symptoms of the condition and do not in any way attempt to actually fix the root of the problem. Avoidance of further wrecking the immune system is a good start, then building back up the immune system is the right direction to head, noting that drugs for allergies further wreck your immune system, all a part of the intentionally built-in "rebound effect" of all pharmaceutical drugs, great for profits of the sick care industry, but not so good for the resultant weakened, sickened, and diseased populace. Be wary, beware, inform everyone...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Todays Updates
On the FluBits blog: Clarification of Our Opposition to Vaccines. You absolutely must take the time to assimilate this information. If you need incentive, consider the following list of noxiously toxic substances that make up the vaccines that they inject directly into your body with a needle, all of which accumulates over your lifetime, all of which interacts synergistically to cause your immune system to fail and causing damage to your DNA/RNA, causing mutations, causing cancer, causing neurological diseases, causing the onset of all types of maladies, illness, and disease. This isn't just a rant, and it isn't just about being informed -- it's mostly about DOING SOMETHING about this certifiably insane travesty inflicted upon us all. Go there.
Found in vaccines: mercury, aluminum (more poisonous than lead), formaldehyde (for embalming dead bodies), tributylphosphate, betapropiolactone, polysorbates, bacterial polysaccharides, betapropiolactone, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin, neomycin sulfate, phenoxyethanol, potassium diphosphate, potassium monophosphate, polymyxin, sorbitol, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin, residual MRC5 proteins, sorbitol, spermicides, detergents, resins, squalene, deactivated(?) bacterial toxins, purified(?) viral proteins, MSG (yes, monosodium glutamate), sugar, gelatin, glycerol, yeast, egg proteins, 2-phenoxyethanol (a glycol-ether having properties of anti-freeze), human serum albumin, viral proteins, animal tissue, horse blood, rabbit brain, monkey kidney, chick embryo, fetal bovine serum, glycerol, swine pancreatic hydrolysate of casein, residual MRC5 proteins, animal tissue, horse blood, rabbit brain, monkey kidney, chick embryo, fetal bovine serum, human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue), swine pancreatic hydrolysate of casein, and even cyanide (a poison for killing living beings, but "only in trace amounts" so it only kills a trace of you).
On the DumBits blog: Climate Change Causes Over 150,000 Deaths Yearly. You probably think a statement such as "Climatic changes already are estimated to cause over 150,000 deaths annually" came from one of the many radical fringe global warming conspiracy theory lunatics, but that statement came ver batim from the World Health Organization website, a.k.a. the WHO. We are not being sarcastically facetious about this, we are not making it up, they REALLY are backing global warming climate change -- and that is certainly not good, because no one is going to believe it all now, not until everybody has to move to the mountains, just above the new coastline, and breathe all of the densely concentrated smog up there with almost no oxygen -- a perfect situation for drug companies, nothing but brainless people...ah, the eventual demise of all life on planet earth. At least the planet will be completely devoid of any living things when the sun explodes and incinerates this little rock that we still manage to exist upon, for a little while anyway. Go there.
And, just below this post we cover the subject of new findings about the previously incorrect assumptions about the root cause of osteoporosis. Along with those findings, we provide beneficial solutions to the new approach to treating osteoporosis, which also just happens to cover oxidative stress, oxidation, and antioxidants. Very important if you are not well informed on the subjects...
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Osteoporosis is found to be a Result of Aging Factors, NOT Estrogen Loss
If you know of anyone that is or may be affected by osteoporosis (or even the phony bogus "diagnosis" of ostopenia which mainstream med is now needlessly "treating" with drugs) you need to inform them of new research that concludes that the bone loss condition is due to the "age-related mechanism" of oxidative stress (aka "OS"). Further, whereas the estrogen/androgen loss decreases the bodies defenses against this oxidative stress in the bone, the actual root cause of bone loss is the resultant oxidative stress and not directly (only in a roundabout manner) the loss of estrogen. Consequently, this research delineates a shift away from the long standing views of the condition and the treatments for it. Preventing the oxidative stress prevents the bone loss, negating the need for the controversial estrogen replacement therapy, and of course the pharmaceutical drugs pushed by drug companies.
If you would like to view a brief technical abstract about the research, click on this link.
If you would like to view extended technical information about the research, click on this link.
If neither of the above, the following statement from the abstract pretty much sums it up: "This emerging evidence provides a paradigm shift from the 'estrogen-centric' account of the pathogenesis of involutional osteoporosis to one in which age-related mechanisms intrinsic to bone and oxidative stress are protagonists"...
Note that some of the major causes for increased oxidative stress and therefore osteoporosis -- at any age, noting that bone loss starts in the 30's -- are environmental toxins, toxins in vaccines, poor (or even good) diet that results in vitamin/mineral deficiencies, smoking, alcohol consumption, over the counter "medications", and oddly enough -- you guessed it -- pharmaceuticals, by design of course. Note that oxidative stress is not only responsible for osteoporosis, but also many other diseases such as hypertension, cancer, diseases of the eye, Parkinson's, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's, fragile X syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, and on an on...
We do not mean to infer that you should begin countering oxidative stress until after age 30 -- it should begin at birth, or actually prenatally...
Note that, terminology-wise, "free radicals" are involved in oxidative stress, which is often abbreviated to "oxidation", and "anti-oxidants" are known to fight free radicals in repairing the damage of oxidative stress.
We have a section on oxidation, free radicals, and antioxidants to combat them, therefore combating oxidative stress, osteoporosis, and as a bonus all of the aforementioned diseases. This is a link to our webpage on the main WisBits website regarding our advice on free radicals and antioxidants. We provide normal, healthy, natural solutions to the problem of oxidative stress and disease, as opposed to the proven and even admitted damaging pharmaceutical drugs.
POINT. Consider, and always remember this, and warn everyone, that in the case of osteoporosis, mainstream medicine and of course the eagerly duplicitous drug companies had it all wrong. Surprise, surprise...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: Dumber than a Horny Toad. A little humorous poke at the dimwits that "lead" the world, over the proverbial cliff...
On the DumBits blog: Hey Kid, How Bout Some Deadly Crud. A little poke at some not so humorous junk that poisons you, but our admitted underlying intent is to try to get everyone to ponder just what they put into their bodies...
On the DumBits blog: Raise Some Bloody Hell. The feds are decreasing social security benefits, claiming that the cost of living is not going up. Please take a minute to let them know that they are bloody wrong...
On the DumBits blog: "We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change". An op-ed by Al Gore blasting the densely demented deniers that pointed to the recent snow storms, which were CAUSED BY global warming, and laughed it off as global cooling. Fun-neeee... MORONS, NITWITS, NUMBSKULLS, DEMENTED DUMBASSES!!!
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
Special Update: Evaluating Health Websites
Just a quick note that we have finally gotten around to applying some updates to the "Online Health Websites" webpage on the Main WisBits website. That webpage still needs a lot of work, as it mostly deals with bad health websites at this point, and is lacking recommendations on good health websites. We will try to get back to fleshing it out soon but other wildfires are flaring up right now.
Here is a direct link to the page if you would care to check it or provide some suggestions on good sites...
Special Update: Better Food
This is just to note that we have added two more links to "Websites of Interest" on the main WisBits website as well as to all four of the related companion blogs -- which could well be of interest to many, so thought we would make note of it here, along with a precaution.
These two new websites provide sources of local "grass fed" and "free range" natural organic products. The Eat Wild website is more for locating real "family" farms, actually out in the countryside. The second site will yield local retailers actually in cities as well as out in the country, which specialize in more natural organic products.
Once caution: many of those "grass fed", "free range", "organic", "natural" products in major grocery store chains, even including many "health food" stores such as Whole Foods, could very well NOT be quite what they might be labeled as. The FDA generally allows retailers free reign with their labeling, unless it happens to be a "natural supplement". One example of this is that eggs labeled as from "free range" chickens can actually be from "factory farm" chickens that on occasion at certain intervals are given access to the outside of buildings, which could just be a slimy concrete excrement tainted open air pen -- not exactly what the term free range is intended to imply, like back in the days when we had "chicken coops" way out in the orchard and the chickens roamed all over the farm eating their natural foods.
Link to "Eat Wild" website for real farms; once there, click on the "Eatwild Directory of Pasture-Based Farms" link to locate local family farms.
Link to "Local Harvest" website to find natural organic products.
Lastly, you can always do your own research on the subject. For example, here is a "canned" Google search using the keywords "natural organic grass fed free range products".
Friday, February 26, 2010
Legislation to Give Big Pharma's Puppet F.D.A. Control of Banning Supplements
Yep, Big Pharma has paid off politicians to allow the good ole corrupt, bribed FDA to block your access to vitamins, minerals, supplements -- you know, that stuff that keeps you healthy, that boosts your immunity, that keeps you from acquiring diseases, that keeps you out of the mainstream sick care system and under control of the deleterious deadly drugs from Big Pharma...
The following is from the Life Extension Foundation, partially explaining this outrageous legislative ripoff fiasco to allow the FDA to weaken and sicken the populace in order to forcefully drive more victims over the cliff into the mainstream pharmaceutical sick care abyss.
"A bill has been introduced to the Senate that would drive up the cost of dietary supplements and restrict your access to them. This bill seeks to give the FDA arbitrary control over what supplements you are allowed to have. This bill proposes to squander tax revenue, while burdening the private sector with oppressive laws that will hinder scientific advances and increase costs. The net effect will be to take away your free access to dietary supplements. Pharmaceutical interests are obviously behind this latest effort to legislatively force more Americans towards expensive prescription drugs and away from natural ways of preventing degenerative disease. Please use our convenient legislative action center to e-mail your Senators and Representatives to protest against this dangerous piece of legislation." It is absolutely critical to contact your Congressmen and oppose this bill. Life Extension Magazine has a convenient "Action Alert" page here with which to do so.
You can also use the links in the right sidebar of this blog under "How to DO SOMETHING", but the link above is a little easier, altho it sends out "canned" emails to your politico representatives...
And, here is a link to the article if you would like more info.
Todays Updates
On the DumBits blog: Besmirching Researching as Bee Smirch (bee poop). Just a dumb rant about "researchers" and how they come up with some of the most ludicrous lunacy on the planet, second only to WHO (Woefull Hoax Obfuscators) and their co-whoret hellth organizaters.
On the FluBits blog: Reassorting and Spreading a Newer More Deadly H00N00 Type ZERO Frankenstein Flu. Just a dumb rant about how the biological-warfare-terrorist vaccine manufracturers are out there cooking up the next American Jackass Frankenstein Flu to replace the weak wimpy swiney whiney flu...
On the AutBits blog: Vaccinations Begin, Autism Begins, Vaccinations Increase, Autism Increases, Vaccinations Less, Autism Less - DUH!!!. The moronic lobotomized C.D.C. is again projectile vomitting "stuff" that should be coming out their other end, and we just could not stand by and not expose their absolute...you know what...
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Todays Update
On the FluBits blog: So Many Deadly Vaccines, So Little Time. This is a "don't miss" report on the deadly deleterious "Prevnar" vaccine that is injected into babies FOUR TIMES in their first year of life, is NOT effective, causes thousands of documented adverse reactions including death, and that's just the proverbial tip of the iceberg -- or should we say tip of the dangerous NEEDLE -- you need to check this out, not just for anyone that might have babies that could be adversely affected but this sheds light on any and all vaccines. Take the time to go over this information, it could save someone's life...
On the AutBits blog: Pediatricians: "Toxins Cause Autism", and Vaccines Contain Toxins, so Vaccines Cause Autism.... Refuting the hogwash, sheepdip, horsefeathers, poppycock, balderdash, baloney, claptrap, and tommyrot of mainstream pediatricians expelling out of their icky mouths what usually comes out the other end..."engage intestines, route effluvient though stomach and projectile-vomit it all out of the voice orifice, acting like it is honey"...
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