The primary purpose of this blog is to advise readers of significant updates to our Wisdom Tidbits website (temporarily mothballed, not available), as well as any important new postings on our other three related blogs, FluBits, DumBits, and AutBits.

So, this blog will mainly feature alerts regarding website updates as well as alerts to postings on our other blogs as they occur, so that you can check out this central blog at your leisure to more easily determine whats new within the vast realm of the WisBits website and our other blogs.

However, a secondary purpose of this blog, our main focal point for all of our resources, is to also provide a medium to present short news items here of important relevance that do not necessarily fit well within the scope of the main WisBits website or the other three blogs. Now, "fetch me my axe...".

Monday, March 22, 2010

Todays Updates

We are on an extended hiatus, as yesterday the techy team member talked us into letting him do some spring house cleaning of our websites, setting up analytical stats for all of our blogs and websites, doing some needed SEO, and fighting a couple of wildfires which we think sprang up as a result of his spring cleaning efforts. We should be back up to speed tomoro, assuming that the tech guy doesn't start more wildfires, but in the interim we do provide one quick update below which is just some links to some crucial vaccine info on a site named "Think Twice". Make that TWO updates below...

On the FluBits blog: Think Twice, or Ten Times, but THINK!.

Vaccine Fables, Fantasies, Fallacies, Fabrications, Falsities, and even Fraudulent Fairy Tales. Bonus post: the tech guy fell asleep on the job so we hereby slip in an "extra" this evening. The title of the post may make it sound like a just another humorous rant, but there really are some crucial fine points there that everyone needs to absorb, remember, and pass along to everyone else -- the media boobleheads sure are not going to tattle nor confess the sins of their sinister monied sponsors...

Footnote. When using any of the above blog link(s), only that one post will appear, and if you would care to peruse any other recent postings on that particular blog while there, just click on either 'HOME' or 'OLDER POSTS' underneath the presented post, or click on an item under 'LABELS' or an item under 'BLOG ARCHIVE' in the side-bar on the right side of the page to see more postings, or click on your browser's "back" button to return here. If doing so, there is a link back to this blog from all other blogs.

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