The primary purpose of this blog is to advise readers of significant updates to our Wisdom Tidbits website (temporarily mothballed, not available), as well as any important new postings on our other three related blogs, FluBits, DumBits, and AutBits.

So, this blog will mainly feature alerts regarding website updates as well as alerts to postings on our other blogs as they occur, so that you can check out this central blog at your leisure to more easily determine whats new within the vast realm of the WisBits website and our other blogs.

However, a secondary purpose of this blog, our main focal point for all of our resources, is to also provide a medium to present short news items here of important relevance that do not necessarily fit well within the scope of the main WisBits website or the other three blogs. Now, "fetch me my axe...".

Friday, February 26, 2010

Legislation to Give Big Pharma's Puppet F.D.A. Control of Banning Supplements

Yep, Big Pharma has paid off politicians to allow the good ole corrupt, bribed FDA to block your access to vitamins, minerals, supplements -- you know, that stuff that keeps you healthy, that boosts your immunity, that keeps you from acquiring diseases, that keeps you out of the mainstream sick care system and under control of the deleterious deadly drugs from Big Pharma...

The following is from the Life Extension Foundation, partially explaining this outrageous legislative ripoff fiasco to allow the FDA to weaken and sicken the populace in order to forcefully drive more victims over the cliff into the mainstream pharmaceutical sick care abyss.

"A bill has been introduced to the Senate that would drive up the cost of dietary supplements and restrict your access to them. This bill seeks to give the FDA arbitrary control over what supplements you are allowed to have. This bill proposes to squander tax revenue, while burdening the private sector with oppressive laws that will hinder scientific advances and increase costs. The net effect will be to take away your free access to dietary supplements. Pharmaceutical interests are obviously behind this latest effort to legislatively force more Americans towards expensive prescription drugs and away from natural ways of preventing degenerative disease. Please use our convenient legislative action center to e-mail your Senators and Representatives to protest against this dangerous piece of legislation." It is absolutely critical to contact your Congressmen and oppose this bill. Life Extension Magazine has a convenient "Action Alert" page here with which to do so.

You can also use the links in the right sidebar of this blog under "How to DO SOMETHING", but the link above is a little easier, altho it sends out "canned" emails to your politico representatives...

And, here is a link to the article if you would like more info.

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