The primary purpose of this blog is to advise readers of significant updates to our Wisdom Tidbits website (temporarily mothballed, not available), as well as any important new postings on our other three related blogs, FluBits, DumBits, and AutBits.

So, this blog will mainly feature alerts regarding website updates as well as alerts to postings on our other blogs as they occur, so that you can check out this central blog at your leisure to more easily determine whats new within the vast realm of the WisBits website and our other blogs.

However, a secondary purpose of this blog, our main focal point for all of our resources, is to also provide a medium to present short news items here of important relevance that do not necessarily fit well within the scope of the main WisBits website or the other three blogs. Now, "fetch me my axe...".

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Todays Update

On the FluBits blog: So Many Deadly Vaccines, So Little Time. This is a "don't miss" report on the deadly deleterious "Prevnar" vaccine that is injected into babies FOUR TIMES in their first year of life, is NOT effective, causes thousands of documented adverse reactions including death, and that's just the proverbial tip of the iceberg -- or should we say tip of the dangerous NEEDLE -- you need to check this out, not just for anyone that might have babies that could be adversely affected but this sheds light on any and all vaccines. Take the time to go over this information, it could save someone's life...

On the AutBits blog: Pediatricians: "Toxins Cause Autism", and Vaccines Contain Toxins, so Vaccines Cause Autism.... Refuting the hogwash, sheepdip, horsefeathers, poppycock, balderdash, baloney, claptrap, and tommyrot of mainstream pediatricians expelling out of their icky mouths what usually comes out the other end..."engage intestines, route effluvient though stomach and projectile-vomit it all out of the voice orifice, acting like it is honey"...

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